Rocky Mountain Instrument Co.

Optical Coatings:

Developed in conjunction with

Partial Reflection (PAR) » UV Output Coupler


222 nm ≤ λ ≤ 400 nm

Partial Reflection coatings are widely used for beamsplitting, beam sampling and laser output coupling. They divide an incident, monochromatic beam into reflected and transmitted components with the specified intensity ratio.

The Excimer laser coatings are able to withstand the corrosive properties of Excimer gases, thus are well suited for intracavity applications.

These all dielectric coatings are sensitive to polarization, wavelength and angle of incidence.

They are durable and highly resistant to laser damage.

RMI Standard Specifications
Angle of Incidence:
Reflectance: R < 90% ± 3%
R = 90% – 95% ± 2%
R = 96% – 98% ± 1%
R > 98% ± 0.5%
Damage Threshold:
At 355 nm:
3 J/cm2, 10 ns pulse