Diamond Turning
RMI’s diamond-turning capabilities give designers the precision they crave. Our 3-Axis Diamond-Point Turning produces flawless custom aspheric lens surfaces on a wide range of IR substrates.
We understand that savings in weight, space and cost are critical for high-performance FLIR optical systems. That’s why we combine and thereby reduce the number of optical elements needed to fully cover detectors. Our infrared optical elements feature aspheric lens surfaces that also boost the imaging performance and efficiency of optical system designs.

Thermal-Imaging Optics
RMI offers world-class capabilities for every aspect of thermal-imaging optics, so you can find everything you need with us. We’re an industry leader in diamond-turned optics, infrared (IR) thin-film coating, environmental testing, optical engineering, opto-mechanical assemblies and conventional infrared components. Whatever you need, you can rely on us for just the right solution.
Optical component manufacturers need to be constantly innovating to keep up with the rapidly evolving requirements of next-generation IR sensors and detectors. For over 35 years, RMI has been on the forefront of advancements in IR production capabilities.
OEMs that make IR imaging systems count on us to meet all of their needs. Our advanced custom solutions include diamond-turned IR aspheric lenses, large IR elements (up to 12” in diameter), environmentally durable MWIR & LWIR coatings, and IR opto-mechanical assemblies.

IR Thin-Film Coatings
With over 30 years of IR coating experience, RMI offers unrivaled, full-service custom coating capabilities. Our expertise extends across a wide range of coating materials and deposition techniques. Our thin-film FLIR coatings feature thorium-free designs that are specially tuned to maximize transmission and enhance image quality in the MWIR (3-6 micron), LWIR (6-15 micron), and SWIR (0.9-1.7 micron) wavelength ranges.
Thanks to our comprehensive battery of in-house tests, RMI is able to produce IR coatings that are incredibly environmentally durable. We also excel at solving difficult custom IR coating challenges and can handle large IR optical substrates requiring coatings up to 12” in diameter.