Spherical Lenses
Spherical Lenses are the most common lenses in optical systems design. RMI manufactures standard and custom spherical lenses from a wide range of materials with a wide range of size and shape specifications. Both sides can be coated with an RMI high efficiency narrowband, anti-reflective coating

Product Specifications
Fused Silica, Ge, BK7, Si, Schott / Omaha Glasses, CaF2, ZnS(MS), BaF2
Plano/Concave Spherical Lenses have a negative focal length and diverges incident light. This forms a virtual image seen through the laser.
Plano/Convex Spherical Lenses have a positive focal length and coverges the incident light. This type of lens forms both real and virtual images. Real images are focused and virtual images are magnified.
Positive Meniscus Lenses are designed to minimize spherical aberration and are usually used in small f-number applications (f# <2.5). For 2.5 f#<10, meniscus lenses can also improve image quality and reduce spot size.
Negative Meniscus Lenses are offered as an alternative to other negative lenses and are particularly appropriate for the high index IT materials. They are commonly used in beam expanding applications where minimal spherical aberration is desired.
Bi-Convex and Bi-Concave Lenses are also available.

UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR(Thorium Free), LWIR